Friday, September 2, 2011

Let's see the last time I blogged was on my anniversary. Wow, I am a really bad blogger. This summer has been busy and lazy. I don't know how it can be both but it was. We just had my youngest daughters baptism. It was wonderful, I am so glad she made the choice to be baptized. She is such a good little girl somewhat sassy but I love her. She was baptized with her cousin Mckenzie. They were darling and born two days apart from each other. I am grateful they get along so well.

And then just a few days after the baptism, my youngest brother, Thomas was married to Ameri. Plus, the first day of school for all my kids and a few more things. These last two weeks have been very busy. One day I will download the pics and get them on my blog. Sometimes I get this thing in my head telling me I can't blog unless I have pictures to show. And I do have pictures to show I just can't figure out how to get the pics to go into the program I want. It's frustrating and dumb. Anyway, the wedding was beautiful. Thomas was just Thomas and Ameri was beautiful in her dress. I wish them all the happiness in the world, or wait then that means I don't have any so I wish them the same amount of happiness we all have. They started their marriage off in the right place and that's a big deal.

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