Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

My Mom was nominated to make the pinata this year for Chris and Amber's Party. Our annual Cinco De Mayo Party.  It is so fun.  We all bring a food assignment and a bag of candy for the pinata. My Mom made a rooster because she used to have a rooster who lived by her and she thought hitting it with a bat would be a good idea.

Chris dressed up for the occasion.  Good thing he has nice workers at Cafe Rio, that bring him back costume items for the party.  Pretty soon he will have enough for all of us.

Kallie holding Xander Man.  We celebrated his birthday on this day also.  He is so cute and now he is 1.

Ryker is hitting the pinata.  The littlest kids just looked at us like we were crazy.

This has never happened, but this year it did.  After going through all the grand kids, we moved onto the siblings Janie, Thomas, and then Jill had a turn to hit.  Jill finally killed the Rooster, she is mean with a bat.  This is the reason my mom was nominated to make a pinata because usually the pinata doesn't last through my children and that is only if we wrap it in duct tape.  This one was impressive. Now my Mom gets to start making the one for next year.
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