Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Hello, it's me again.  Do you ever get in a funk.  Well I do.  I think it's because around the holidays, I have to do something I don't like all that much.  Shopping!  I know, I know, I am not normal.  I love getting things for people that I know they are going to love but I just have a hard time with the menial gifts.  You know what I mean like, here my dear friend here is a mug of candy that I know you are not going to eat, but I needed to give you a gift, so you know how much I care about you, because only by seeing this mug of candy and holding it, are you ever going to know I think you are awesome.  AHHHH! I love buying CTMH stuff and giving it to people but not everybody is ready to embrace, the best products in the world, and I just feel sad for them.  Anyway off my soap box.  I am getting out of my funk.  I am back to creating and then I will post my creations.  Oh wait maybe my funk had to do with the fact that I made 100 Christmas Cards and barely got some of them out before New Years.  One day I am going to get it right.  Oh, and if you received a Christmas card I heard the glitter glue exploded all over the envelope, which is a great treat for you, and a nightmare for me.  I have to confess the glittery Christmas Cards stay in their envelopes at my house and we sneak a peak at who sent the card and enjoy them, thinking of us and then it sits in the envelope. Sorry!
Back to posting and creating! See you soon!

P.S. About the picture, I find all these awesome pictures of dolls. What am I going to do with them, so I guess I will have to find ways to make them work with my blog. :) My kids are so cool!
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