Monday, May 6, 2013

My Brother

This is my brother, Chris.  Today is his fortieth birthday.  I wanted to celebrate him for a minute on my blog today. Even though many people think I am the oldest in my family, because I have the oldest kids.  This is my older brother. He is a great father and husband.

Chris spent a lot of his growing up years wanting to ignore the family,  I personally think it was just a front but, later he had to step in and be the priesthood example after my Dad died.

This is Chris at Janie's wedding just recently.  When my Dad died, my little sister was 7 years old.  Chris stepped in and baptized her, attended daddy daughter activities and showed her she was not alone.  On her wedding day, he gave her a father's blessing, before going to the temple.  In this picture you may think his tie a little funny.  It's my Dad's.  He wore it to represent him.  When asked if he wanted to change his tie to match the temple pictures, his response was No, thank you, this is my Dad's.  Chris, thank you for your example, thank you for your love, and thank you for honoring your priesthood.  Your Awesome and hope your birthday is amazing, because you deserve it. I love you.
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