Friday, December 13, 2013

Album Retreat

I loved Album Retreat this year!  Well, I went to 2 Album Retreats this year and I loved them both.  Are you wondering what an Album Retreat is?  Well, Close to my Heart puts on the Album Retreat, they haven't had one in a long time, but randomly they put them on.  We go to a hotel in Salt Lake and for 3 days work on an entire album.  We have great speakers like Stacy Julian come speak, and then we have a question and answer time with the corporate staff.  The album pages are beautiful and CTMH puts so so so much work into getting everything perfect.  Of course I make the pages work for me and my liking. I love to see my CTMH friends and we have such a great time laughing and creating.  Most of the time I think we just do the laughing part, but we have goals for doing the creating part.  In two of these pictures we met at a restaurant downtown and had a fabulous meeting, before Album Retreat started. It was great fun.  I am so glad I sell for such a good company.

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Sad News

 I never thought I would be writing this post.  On Feb 27, 2024, I got an email from the Founder and CEO, of Close to my Heart. Letting us m...