Saturday, May 3, 2014

Close to my Heart

Does your life ever feel like this!  I spent extra time trying to turn the card the right way, saved it and everything and it still uploaded looking like this.  I tried to change it and I know all those tech savys out there can figure it out.  But frankly, I feel like this might be a life lesson.  Sometimes we cannot control the things we think we should.  Sometimes God has a different plan for you.  Most the time we figure we run our lives, but we are wrong.  The things that happen to us are all strategically planned in God's eyes.  I wish I could see through those eyes, I wish I could see what one baby step in the right direction, is going to lead to down the long road. Hang in there! God has a plan! Don't give up! Keep the Faith!  You are loved!

on a side note:  I love this card. I cut the pendants, the life is sweet, and the scallops out on my cricut, love that thing.  This paper is from the Ivy Lane paper packet.  These papers are so pretty.

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