Thursday, July 16, 2015

 Have you ever felt true exhaustion?  I have and I don't know if I will ever get caught up.  This summer has to be the busiest summer that I have ever had.  These are some pictures of the Girls camp I was in charge of in the month of June.  It was fun and exhausting.  We had 27 girls go this year.  They are aged 11 to 18.  They are a great group of girls.  I am thankful for the chance to do this for them.  I loved camp growing up and I know for a fact, that I did not thank my leaders enough for taking me to camp, and all the work it entails.  We had the privilege to go to Heber Valley camp, this year, it is considered to be a temple without walls.  It is! And it isn't just because it has a sink with hot and cold water, and that there is a refrigerator.
 This above picture is our 4th year girls going on an overnighter camp.  They did great and I am in awe of their strength.
 This is our group and our flag. They are great kids. We should of taken this picture when we first got there so we would all look like we hadn't been camping all week.

This is our 1st year campers,well everyone but the girl in the green sweatshirt, she was from another ward.  The hike ended up being really hard and I hope they will still come next year.  I was lucky to have all my 4 girls up at camp.  Fun and Busy. 

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