Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This is what I did in the first part of June. I helped plan girls camp and then went up for the whole time. It was a fun time despite the inclement weather. I felt very privileged to be in the company of these girls. They are wonderful and the women I worked with are the best. I got to know the leaders better and we all had a good laugh. Abby was up at camp with me and she is posing in her costume from the skit night. She was the announcer and she was very funny. Of course, how can you not laugh, look at her hair. Next pic, I was in a gunny sac race and I was very bad at it. And what's up with my hair, I think I look like a chia pet, but anyway the race was fun. I don't recommend gunny sac races if you have ever had children, it is kind of like jumping on a tramp, no bueno. Abby is sporting the beanies that my MIL, Abby, and I made for all the girls up at camp. They loved them which made me happy, and even if they didn't nobody told me so all is good in my world. The next pic is at the zip line. The girls posing are the funniest, and all the camp girls love the zip line except Abby. Oh, well, there's always next year.

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